" Where my inspirations are coming from "
Screen Print, "Shot Marilyns", 1964 by Andy Warhol
Synthetic polymer paint, "Campbell's Soup Cans" ,1962 by Andy Warhol
Color film, "Random shot at a laundry room", 2020
" Little Gallery Space "
Color Digital, "Details", 2021
Color Digital, "Details", 2021
Color Digital, "Details", 2021
Color Digital, "Details", 2021
Color Digital, "Flowers", 2021
Color Digital, "Memento", 2021
" Artist Thought "
This project is formed out of terracotta clay. It has been bisque fired, and then after glazing, electric fired to create a retro sensation and distinct from modern material. It aims to explore memory as the past only exists in the memory. It is therefore displayed in the form of a fragment piece. The motivation initially started with my “mental breakdown” due to a lack of contact with the surrounding community. Therefore, it directs me to make something that consists of vibrant colours and my personal experience, which can somehow refresh my eyes and way of thinking.

Pop art resonates with me as it breaks me from staying in a conscious mind with ordinary life elements. When I looked around at my living space, I saw a gift that I received from a very close friend who has left Montreal two years ago, which reminded me that it was the best kind of friendship and moment in life. The repetition of the collage represents the sensation of monotonous, alienation we have nowadays in the highly developed civilized society. I take inspiration from one of my favourite artists, Andy Warhol. By aligning this scented candle repeatedly on the wall, picking up some of my younger treasured memories.

Pop art movement reminds me of how monumental it used to be while decaying with time and constantly becoming unmonument and replaced by contemporary arts—for instance, glitch art, vaporwave. The appearance of flowers is used for commemorating. By taking this opportunity, I could entwine the old monumental with my personal experience.